2008年12月29日 星期一


ERIC- "Mandala World Music"的創辦人,一個由世界各國的人所組成的種族融合音樂團體。他應用傳統的影響力創造出全新獨創素材的音樂和藝術。他已經以Mandala的名與旅行世界各國超過100位藝術家們合作過,也曾經與一些知名樂團或歌手跨團合作,例如.蕭亞軒,牛奶合唱團, Mimi Chan等……。他的焦點在於把神聖風格的藝術以及樂器放在一起產生全新的融合在這個多元文化的世界裡。Mandala在北美 非洲及亞洲各地已經發行過8張專輯,他以從世界各國超過100種的少數民族成員及現代樂器結合的現場迴路中作表演與錄製。他個人更以現代化的聲音狂吼詩詞,演唱著混合古老方言和少數民族風格的世界語言做聲樂表演。希望您將會喜歡這個演出,因為他們非常樂意做這件事!! 如果您還沒有看過這樣的表演,那就別錯過這一次的機會囉!!
(english version )
ERIC MANDALA Founder of "Mandala World Music" an international ethnic fusion world music group with people from all around the world. He uses traditional influences of music and art to create new and dynamic original material. He has traveled around the world collaborating with over 100 artists under the name Mandala. He has collaborated with Shao Ya Shuen, Mamady Keita, Biung, Kenbo, Dakanow, Milk, Mimi Chan, Miracle Saru, Mamadou Dembele, Epizo Bangoura, & Members of Fela Kuti's Band to name a few. His focus is to bring sacred styles of art and instrument together for a new fusion in this multi-cultural world. Eric Mandala has Produced and Recorded 8 Albums in North America, Africa, and Asia. When performing and recording he uses live loops and over 100 ethnic and modern instruments from around the world. He sings in Universal Language mixing ancient tongues and ethnic styles of vocals with modern sound scat poetry. We hope you enjoy listening to the music because they sure love to make it! If you haven't seen this original show yet be sure to catch it as soon as possible!



Yujun Wang
Keep trying to note some moments in life with music Yes, those things which we might have experienced but couldn’t say
I'm still finding the vibration inside body
while playing guitar, while singing
all of them are dissolving into air

SitarYo (金光亮平Ryohei Kanemistu) / 西塔琴

大學時期於印度的旅行啟發對西塔琴的興趣,2001年夏天開始短期的遊學,回國後成立自由爵士樂團,融合印度音樂風格,表現出創新多元的音樂綜合體,主要 於琉球從事表演活動。2004年進入印度加爾各答Visva-Bharati大學音樂系,主修北印度古典西塔琴演奏。自2005年起,開始在印度各地演 奏,廣受好評。2006年受邀來台演奏,於台灣大學、交通大學、台北教育大學講習印度音樂,並曾獲花蓮縣政府邀請與青年作曲家李奕青(音樂大師李泰祥公 子)舉行跨界巡迴音樂會等。此外與塔布拉鼓演奏家Waka發行印度音樂演奏專輯《流浪之音》並巡迴於印度、泰國、孟加拉、日本、韓國、台灣等地演出。 2007年擔任身聲演繹劇場特約演奏家,並持續與作曲家李奕青合作,組成“前音劇場”,發表多場音樂會與錄音專輯等。Yo現在也嘗試著加入效果器,使聲音效果有更多層次豐富的變化,Sitar除了印度音樂外 還有更多更多未知的部份等待著被發現,近期也與songwriter早健/王榆鈞合作,為西塔琴增添了不同韻味 也帶給大家更多流浪旅途中的風景,在音樂裡.

(english version )

SitarYo was born in Chiba,Japan, During backpacker trip to India in 2001,he encountered the Indian instrument ..sitar... After meeting with Sitar, Yo formed fusion jazz band in Okinawa in 2001. In 2004, he entered Hindusthani classical music department at Visva-Bharati university in India, and began his serious studies in Sitar performance. Having 7years of experiences with Sitar and NorthIndian music, Yo has been invited giving numerous concert and workshop in India, Thailand, Taiwan and Japan. Yo graduated Visva-Bharati university in 2007. He co-operate with Tabla player Waka as Indian music unit Pagal sounds. Yo is participating and creating art activities with many international artist as painter, visual artist, and theater art group.

2008年12月25日 星期四


一場由兩位日本樂師"TABLA WAKA""SITAR YO"以印度音樂帶領結合舞蹈與瑜珈的
瑜珈 - 原意是結合、和諧之意
古印度人修練瑜珈術是追求 天人合一的修行最高境界
據說 , 是古印度修行者模仿動物而創造的健身法,當人們做完瑜珈通體舒暢,從此印度人樂此不疲
肚皮舞 - 赤足舞蹈,配合音樂,以極快速,錯綜複雜之感性肢体動作,快速的舞步,時而優雅、時而感性、嫵媚嬌柔,時而傲酷,神祕,肚皮舞迷人的特質,令人目不暇給,在舞者施展扭腰舞腹的絕活時,塔布拉鼓的伴奏加入有相乘動感
表演日期: 1/11(日)下午3:00~5:00
現場票價: 300
預售票價: 250( 含印度奶茶及獨家咖哩餅)
購票專線: 04-23100836 或 0921-780844 (歡迎來電,信或親洽本店購票)