2010年10月2日 星期六


Yoga at its very essence means union. This union encompasses mind and body, movement and breath, universe and self. Yoga is a journey, parts of this journey are taken alone, in silence while other parts are shared by teachers, students, friends and family, with love and laughter.

Jacqueline began experimenting with yoga in her early twenties, however it wasn't until a recent trip to India that she realized how important yoga had become in her life. She completed a 250 hour teacher training program with the Vasishta Yoga Institute in Kerala, India in 2009. Jacqueline now teaches hatha and vinyasa yoga classes in Taichung and Dakeng.

om shanti

瑜珈的深層涵義是~結合. 這個結合包含了心智和身體,動作與呼吸,宇宙和自己. 瑜珈是一場旅行. 這趟旅程的某一部份需要你自己安靜的去完成當其他的部份是以愛和笑容在與老師 學生 朋友和家人分享的時候.

賈克琳在她的早期近20歲時開始了瑜珈的旅程, 然而一直等到近幾年的印度之旅後她才認知到瑜珈已經在她的人生中變的很重要. 2009年她在印度的Vasishta瑜珈協會完成250小時的師資訓練課程,現在她分別在台中市區與大坑郊區授課哈達瑜珈和體能動瑜珈.

om shanti