2008年7月10日 星期四


來自加拿大的Heather Vardy,已經住在台灣三年,再這之前旅行了世界其它地方五年。過去的五年裡,她在沒有接受過正式的設計或藝術的訓練下, 作了車縫工作並且自己畫草圖。 旅行的經驗與豐富的多元文化影響啟發了很多在這項工作上。住在臺灣期間,曾經和其他女性一起執行製作與銷售手工衣服在一些音樂活動上例如:春天吶喊,和平音樂祭。她對這些獨特的創作過程非常的樂在其中。作品以日常生活中觀察到的人體獨特設計,強調實體與線條輪廓的想像,大部分的圖是她自己親手畫的, 其餘則以電腦繪圖,每一件設計都是獨一無二。
英文版(english version)
My name is Heather Vardy, I am Canadian and I have been living in Taiwan for the past three years. I arrived here after five years of traveling elsewhere in the world. While I have no formal training in design or art, I have been sewing and sketching for the past five years. My travels have inspired my work, each culture I have experienced has influenced my work. While living in Taiwan I have been involved with other women in selling silkscreen printing and hand made clothing at various music festivals, such as, Spring Scream and the Peace Festival. I enjoy the unique creative process that is incorporated in designing silkscreen prints. I use images in our daily world along with individual designs to accent the shape and contour of the human body. Most prints are drawn by hand, others are created using photoshop, each design is one of a kind.